
Those who are interested in or considering to attend ICDG2023,
please send a message of title "ICDG2023" to one of the following organizers
    Arvanitoyeorgos Andreas:            arvanito"at"
    Hideya Hashimoto:                      hhashi"at"
    Toshiaki Adachi:                         adachi"at"

Registration Fee

In order to cover the charge for publishing proceedings,
participants are asked to pay the following registration/publishing fee.

The conference regular fee is
    For each participant from Greece and east European countries
      50 EUR   if he wish to get a copy of colloquium proceedings.
     Participants are asked to pay their registration fees to local organizing committee when they arrive.

    For each participant from Japan
      30,000 YEN   This does not include the fee of colloquium coffee, colloquium party and excursion.
                   Those who wish to have coffee they need to buy by themselves at a university shop.
                   Also, one need to pay for colloquium party and for excursion individually.
                   One gets a copy of colloquium proceedings when it is published.
     Participants are asked to pay their registration fees to Prof. Hideya Hashimoto when they arrive.

    For each participant from west European countries and from China
      180 EUR   The same condition as for Japanese participants.

If you do not wish to publish your paper and not to wish to have a book of proceedings, you are free.


Call for Papers

The Proceedings will be published from World Scientific.
All papers will be reviewed in accordance to the standards expected by ICDG
Total pages will be 250 (including perface).

Announcement of your result which will be published somewhere
and well-organized Survey of your several works (not a duplicated) are welcomed.
But in these cases, the author should indicate these in his introduction.

Style files and instruction can be download from the line below.
Organizers will announce in September more detail on proceedings.
For now, they consider to give 14 pages for each.
Of course, papers of pages less than 14 are gladly received.
But, even in the case of announcement, please write your motivation and the background.

The dead line is Deceember 20, 2023 .

Proceedings Style File
Readme     Instruction     Download of Style Files    

Send your pdf-file to either   Prof. Hashimoto or Adachi. Please do not use local (original) definitions !

Please use \documentclass[wssquare]{ws-procs9x6} to unify citations.
Original "ws-proc9x6" uses "\documentclass{ws-procs9x6}".
So, change the lines on the above of "\begin{document}" in this file first.

When you cite your references, please kindly do as
     \bibitem{ada: **}    \ref{ada: **}   
(showing the author) to avoid being mixed up.