Athens Central Bus Station--Kifisos to Patras
Athens bus station (Athens information)
google map ,
Athens --> Patras
KTEL Patras bus station (google map),
Patras --> Athens ,
      To get Athens Central Bus Station--Kifisos
    [2] Patras City Center to Department of Mathematics
      Please see the information of the department
      It is about 10 km from the city center to the department
      (1) Suburban rail + bus
* If you get off at "Rio", it is about 25 minutes walk to the department.
      (2) Bus
* It is better to buy your tickets " ǃЃǃуŃσǃ ɃÃփӃ̓σÃǃ̓" at ticket office "ŃʃÃǃ փɃŃЃŃ ʃŃ˃ǃǃփ ȃσуփ".
* Zoon B for suburbs. It costs 1.8 EUR. (zoon A is for the inside of the city)
* You can buy your ticket when you ride on a bus from bus driver. But it costs 2 EUR.
* KTEL bus No. 609 and 910 are for City center from University.
* Get off your bus (No. 601, 901, 602) at "ÃփɃ̓ǃȃ" (Geological) which is the next stop of "҃Ѓǃȃ".
To come to the department, back to a circle, and trun left root .